Now might be exactly the right time

I decided it could be.

Back in March, I had a new course ready to launch. Then Covid came and all plans went out the window. So too did my creativity for a while. The uncertainty was too much. I felt grateful after some weeks to want to make art again, and lose my anxiety in paint and canvas for an hour or so.

Recently I’ve been thinking about putting on another run of Catching the Whispers. I’ve loved seeing people who’ve taken this course shake up their life priorities, ask themselves questions about what they choose to do with their energies, and re-orient to a more poetic life that cherishes their creative or artistic selves.

If that sounds like you, check out what’s on offer by clicking on the picture. There’s a discount going out to people on the mailing list later today - there’s still time to join up for that.

If you’ve found yourself thinking more deeply about what really matters in your life, now might be exactly the right time to catch some whispers of how it might be different…

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