Grab the moment

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It sounds so easy, doesn’t it? I know all too well how anxieties and worries and memories of pain can spread across our daily lives, erasing all chance of noticing potential glimmers of joy.

I pulled this photo from a store of vibrant English-rose-garden-in-June images I took last summer. They are refreshing my eyes on this dusty city day. I love flowers, especially roses, and especially when they grow slightly rough and wild - blowsy, interlaced, poking through green.

I’ve found a cafe here with a messy garden and a table under an apple tree. I take myself there regularly to increase the possibility of happy moments.

And in the tumble of time with a tumultuous toddler, I find moments of pure delight to be held on to, tucked away for later.

It’s not always easy but it matters to put ourselves in the way of happiness, and to grab the moment.

Lynne CameronComment